The point of my comment without getting into a debate over it is simply this: The Mafia of today, 2013, has very little class COMPARED to the Mafia of old. It's just another sign of how this Country has sunk over the last 20 to 25 years.
The same thing happened in Chicago.
Did you see big fat ass Mile Sarno from the Outfit when he went to Court for his trial? Fat, ugly, unshaven, poorly dressed slob. These Bonnano guys guys remind me of the same thing. Actually, Sarno was worse even than these guys.

At least the New York and Chicago Mafia men years ago HAD SOME CLASS ABOUT THEM. If you're possibly gonna go down, AT LEAST go down with class and dignity. Don't go down looking like some stupid street gang banger for Christ's sake.
The mob in 2013 has lost most of it's class, that's the problem.
I'm sorry, I guess I'm just too old school for this stuff that I see in Chicago and New York today.
The good old days are sadly gone.

Last edited by Chicago; 07/11/13 06:47 AM.