Originally Posted By: getthesenets

racial profiling

@five felonies...interesting choice for a username, especially in light of some of your comments in this thread

Picture is of a man who essentially got cops called on him for breaking into his OWN house. He lived in the area for years, yet neighbor called police when he returned to his home after long trip to China and had difficulty opening his front door.

Cops arrived and even though it was CLEAR that it was HIS home (photos of him and his family ALL around the house, still questioned him and crossed the line and were disrespectful to him.

He became indignant and I think had some words with the officer.

He was confused and had just finished traveling for hours..and cops come to his home and accuse of him of breaking into his OWN house.

Case drew national attention because Henry Louis Gates holds a PhD and happens to be a professor at Harvard....but neighbor calling cops on a grey haired man(HER neighbor) who lived there for YEARS.....is billshut.