Originally Posted By: 123JoeSchmo
I've followed this trial and this is my spin on it. Trayvon Martin is walking around in a neighborhood he doesn't live in with his hoodie up at night. The kid is a felon, with a history of violence and drugs. If I was Zimmerman I'd be worried too. Racial is profiling is wrong we all know that. But I gotta be honest with myself, if I was at a gas station at 1 am and a black guy in a hoodie comes up to me I'd get nervous.

That being said Zimmerman took it upon himself to play policeman, be aggressive and confrontational. Trayvon got scared and proved himself just as racist as Zimmerman with the "creepy ass cracka" remarks. None of us really know what happened except Zimmerman and Trayvon, and the latter is dead. However, judging by Zimmerman's injuries he was being brutally assaulted. What the fuck was he going to do? Not defend himself?

What pisses me off especially is that the black community is trying to play the race card, demand justice, and paint Trayvon as a fucking saint. The kid was a violent, drug addicted asshole. Did he deserve to die? No I don't think so. And I think Zimmerman is at fault partially. But no way does should he be convicted and sentenced to life. And the more I've thought about it, the more I would like to see Zimmerman go free. This is a media bullshit case anyway. I see more people within the black community raising hell about this comparing this to the damn 1950's. Complete bullshit.


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