Originally Posted By: mulberry
I know the Genovese were heavily involved during Vito Genovese reign. After that, you didn't hear of many members being arrested for drugs.

The Bonannos definitely were back during the Carmine Galante time. I didn't hear much about it after the Brasco infiltration.

The Luccheses were during the Amuso/Casso reign and were through the 1990's with several capos being sent ot prison for dealing heroin.

The Gambinos were heavily into it with the Cherry Hill Gambinos and the Gotti crew along with others.

I've never heard of the Outfit dealing in drugs. What about the other families?

Relatively speaking, if we're looking their entire hisotry, the Gambinos and Bonannos have probably had the most involvement in the drug trade due to their closer connections with the Sicilians. But the other NY families have been right there as well. Interestingly enough, back in the 1950's, a greater percentage of Genovese and Lucchese members had been arrested for drug trafficking than the other families. Over the last few decades, the Genovese family has had relatively less involvement in drugs compared to the others. But there's still plenty of examples with them too.

Again, relatively speaking, the Chicago Outfit has had little involvement in the drug trade. At least compared to the NY families. And that includes today. But even they have had exceptions. Of the other remaining families over the past decade, the New England family has had some involvement, Philadelphia less so, and the DeCavalcantes nothing at all from what I can tell. The NY families are the only ones that are still significant players in narcotics. But even they have been marginalized in the trade for 25 years now.

Last edited by IvyLeague; 07/09/13 11:36 PM.

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