Originally Posted By: SonnyBlackstein
Originally Posted By: baldo
They look like a bunch of slobs.

They were all probably roused out of bed at 5am by Feds kicking their doors in.

You don't wear your 3-piece to breakfast do you?

And no one will flip. They'll plead out to 3-5 out in 2.

Sucks for Nicky though.

You are right about the dressing part sonny. N one ever gets they drag these guys literally out of bed. Half of them are probly hungover too.

As for the sentencing, in ny, enterprise corruption (the felony count) is 1 3/4yrs to 4yrs for the first level of the offense, which they all will end up pleading to. The weed and pills? No biggie. These straight guys who are getting purjury and shit are the ones who will probly face the hardest time, bc 1-they are more or less legit, 2-they like to make an example of these union guys.

Dumb as fuck on all the gun charges. Drugs too. They guy with an o and a half is just as dumb as the guy with 10lbs in his house. Hes what in his 30s going door to door selling grams?

As far as young guys go, they get connected for being one of three things today. Violent, Earner, or a Relative. They only way young guys earn enough to be on with a crew is drugs or stick ups. A lot of youngs guys i know, that thing of theirs aint dead yet.