Originally Posted By: Ivan
Nah, the people who run the Vatican now (and I love the guys, even Pope Benedict, who reminded me of the emperor in Star Wars) are basically models of hyper-morality and only a small minority of Catholics totally agree with them on EVERYTHING.

There's literally a billion Catholics in the world, but I bet only like 50 million are not "cafeteria Catholics" as you seem to define the term.

Catholics not agreeing with their leaders "on everything," as you put it, is exactly what cafeteria Catholicism is - a term I didn't invent by the way. Either Catholics believe their leaders are led by, and speak for, God or they don't. It seems, unfortunately, that more and more it's the latter. Maybe I'm looking at it from the perspective within my church, where it's not open to opinion. The leaders speak and that's that. People are free to accept or reject the teachings but only the delusional ones try to justify themselves.

By the way, the new Pope has declared that atheists are redeemed through Christ by their good works. Do you consider Pope Francis to be a "cafeteria Catholic"? (so far he's awesome, BTW)

Well, we're all ultimately redeemed through Christ. And an atheist's good works will certainly help their case. But they will still have to accept the Christ as their Savior and the Gospel. Salvation isn't forced on anyone.

Though I agree that forcing adopted children (kids who are desperate to have parents, period) to serve as models for how wonderful it is to be raised by a gay couple is kind of sick. Maybe 100 years from now, if homosexuality is totally accepted by everyone then, but not now.

See? There it is again. If homosexuality is totally accepted by everyone 100 years from now? If something is morally wrong, is it really a matter of public opinion?

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