Faithful1, I agree with everything you said about the timeline. Very good.
It's only a small technicality that I was pointing out that you have basically restated for me.
Yes, Accardo was on the Commission before Giancana.
However, here is the key thing to remember that I will not back down on at any time:
As long as Ricca was ALIVE, Accardo was NEVER the top Boss. Even when Ricca was in jail temporarily. Ricca & Accardo were the two Bosses, but if push came to shove, Ricca made the final call.
The same can be said during Giancana's reign. Giancana was the Day to Day Boss, but as long as Ricca was alive, Ricca made the final call on certain issues.
Accardo was more of an equal with Giancana. Giancana never took orders from Accardo. I repeat. Never.
The fact that Giancana REFUSED to have Cerone be Underboss of the entire Outfit shows Giancana's power. Accardo could not over rule him. ACCARDO HAD TO ACCEPT IT. That is proof alone.
You'll never read this in a book.
Does this make sense to you?

Last edited by Chicago; 07/09/13 04:42 PM.