There are several theories about who knocked down Giancana. Blasi is probably the most likely as Giancana knew him and would have allowed him in the house and was most likely to turn his back to him. That's how they ALWAYS get you...through people you know and trust..There's another train of thought that has Turk Torello and Johnny DiFronzo as the killers and yes, there's Corbitt's statement about Spilotro. Keep in mind the Oak Park Police and probably even the FBI were sitting on Giancana's house in Oak Park that night. I don't buy Spilotro and I don't buy Turk/Johnny either. There was no shootout that night, which there would have been had Spilotro, Turk or Johnny came knocking at Mooney's door lol it stands to reason Mooney would have known why they were there..:) Blasi was trusted by Mooney that's why he got Mooney's ticket. Regardless of WHO killed Giancana, it's obvious it was ordered by Aiuppa/Cerone. Probably the greatest myth perpetrated by Bill Roemer in his love affair with Accardo is that Accardo was the BOSS OF BOSSES, he NEVER WAS....