Just wanted to correct what i said earlier about the Genovese wanting to kill Stanfa. After they killed Caponigro they went back to where Salerno was waiting for Tony C to return to and saw 2 other guys also waiting. One they thought was Nicky Scarfo and the other guy they didn't know. They told them to wait there and that Salerno and Caponigro would return to them there.

So after they killed Alfred Salerno, Chin or whoever told his people to go back and get the 2 guys and bring them to him. Chin knew it wasn't Scarfo because he knew where Scarfo was at the time. When Chins guys returned to get them they were already gone.

Leonetti said the 2 other guys were John Stanfa and Frank Sindone and that Stanfa was the guy that Chins people thought was Scarfo. I think Chin would had both Stanfa and Sindone killed that day if they were still at the bar when Chins guy went to get them.

So Stanfa and Sindone were in NYC with Caponigro and Salerno right before they were murdered. Sindone of course was later killed but the Gambino's covered for Stanfa and arranged for him not to be hit.

I've always wondered if Stanfa was involved in the Bruno murder, it's hard to believe he wasn't. He conveniently lowered the electric window on Bruno's side as the killer approached the car to kill him. Then was with Caponigro and Salerno in NY the day they went to meet with the Genovese. Everyone was killed except Stanfa. Just makes me wonder how involved Stanfa might of been in the plot to take out Bruno.

Also it was Blackie Napoli who gave Caponigro the shotgun he used to kill Bruno with according to Leonetti.