Ndragheta keep a real tight ship. Families are blood relatives with inter-marriage between cousins quite often. I so happen to have a 3rd cousin of mine with the same last name of mine marrying her cousin who is being groomed to be the heir of an Ndrine (family), he is only 21 years old and very feared by the local townspeople. No one would dare rat. they don't see shit. The Ndrine's control a certain area, usually of just a few towns and their are hundreds of them throughout Calabria. You can not open a business of any sort without paying the local Ndrine. No public project's even begin without paying a Ndrine or Ndrine's...As a matter of fact it is so bad down there that no one wants to open any business because it is almost guaranteed that they will milk the owners then burn the joint down and take the the insurance payment form the owner to boot.

Last edited by caprese; 07/08/13 09:22 AM. Reason: left out a detail