Of all criminal groups, the Albanians are in my honest opinion the most overrated. You'll often -make that VERY often- find Albanians claiming that they have the biggest and baddest mafia in history, I should know because I have a load of Albanian friends. They are brutal, sure but they are extremely blue-collar. Heavy on the muscle, less on the finesse. Heroin and weapon trafficking and dealing, prostitution, extortion, contract killing and armed robberies are their activities of choice. A lot of Albanian gangs are even involved in lower level crime such as burglary. They are a force, but so are the minority organized sets of street gangs (not the majority petty thief sets).
As for the USA, the Rudaj gang tried to form its own family once and they definitely tried it on but they were no match for the American Mafia. Far from all of its members were ethnically Albanian, a load of them were Greek, Italian and Montenegrin. I think that even today a lot of Albanian criminals are associated with the American Mafia families.

The second most overrated is the 'Russian Mafia' lol
Again, they are a force. But they aren't the almighty criminal organization people make them out to be. First of, the best description for this type of groups would be 'Gangs from the former Soviet Union', but I realise 'Russian Mafia' sounds far more attractive. Groups throughout Europe and America described as the 'Russian mafia' are criminal gangs mostly composed of ethnic Russians (most Moscow bratvas like the Solntsevskaya Bratva), Russian and Ukrainian Jews, Georgians, Armenians, Chechens, Azerbaijanis or Assyrians from the former Soviet Union. All of these groups are involved in drug and arms trafficking, prostitution, extortion, contract killing, armed robbery, kidnapping and yes, burglary. On the other hand, you also have some higher level crime groups -mostly ethnic Russian ones- that are involved in non-violent internet fraud schemes and money laundering. These schemes don't involve any violence but do generate billions of dollars. In short, the 'Russian' crime groups are split between one half of largely ethnically Russian white-collar crime groups and another half of ethnic Russian, Jewish, Georgian, Armenian, Azerbaijani, Chechen and Assyrian blue-collar crime groups. Nevertheless, even the blue-collar groups can from time to time be involved in white-collar activity like money laundering and bank and identity fraud schemes.
In the USA, the 'Russian' groups that are the most active are the Jewish groups, the ethnic Russians and the Armenians. The Jewish groups are still active in New York and are likely to associate with the American Mafia. They are mostly involved in drug and arms dealing, extortion, murder, burglary, robbery and fuel schemes. Ethnic Russian groups are largely active in New York and Florida. Some groups are involved in mostly internet schemes, while other groups are involved in mostly violent crime. Armenians come in the form of the Armenian Power in Los Angeles. The AP is an organized street gang. It only has 200 official members but all in all these 200 member strong group is on par with any organized ( with the emphasize on 'organized') Crip, Blood, Mara, Sureno, Wah Ching, Southeast Asian street gang, Outlaw Motorcycle or Prison gang. They are involved in blue-collar activities but also in some white-collar activies such as the typical bank and identity frauds and also some fuel schemes.

Both type of groups are definitely a force, but they are far from almighty.