Originally Posted By: fathersson
Originally Posted By: J Geoff

I'm USED TO seeing the police handle things with excessive violence and unconstitutional "justice" ... so I was a bit relieved to see that they didn't go overboard here. They actually seemed respectful for once.

And I wouldn't call them "attackers" -- they were provoked on their own turf, by one fool. I get "freedom of speech" and all, but, he was in their faces. Eff him...!

I finally got to view the long almost 6 mins video on this.
I don't care if you don't like the preachers or the gays in the group. NO one has the right to put their hands on another person. Plain and simple.

Disagree completely. The human race has become to stuck up about being evolved. We forget we used to run around naked killing animals with sticks. Now if your naked you get arrested, PETA wont let you kill animals, and a stick becomes a "dangerous weapon". Id rather us go back a few hundred years, where natural selection actually existed. Instead we have all become such pussies that we believe every man has a right to feel safe and stay alive as long as possible. Pardon me for going against the fabric of society, but thats bullshit.