The Simpsons and Seinfeld always spoof and/or mention The Godfather
Mage beats up the mugger the same way Sonny beats up Carlo(missing the miss though)
Kramer-It wasnt my fault, Fredo (the bird) was weak and stupid
Jerry- Look at my boy.Look how they massacred my boy(his thumb)
In my home, where I sleep, where I come to play wqith my toys, in my home.
Bart- Godfather 3, good version
The whole Moe the Baby sitter episode is Godfather-esque
When the mob comes after Krusty, the Sicilain theme sone is played by Homer's head... I cant think of any more right now, but there are a lot more.

If winners never lose, well, then a loser sure can sing the blues.