Originally Posted By: klydon1
The story of the same-sex parents seeking to use medical treatment to delay puberty for their son is not the first or most alarming case of parents taking steps to alter or consider altering the sex of the child, but because it involves gay parents, the bigots attach a cause and effect label to this incident while ignoring the hundreds of thousands of adopted children living uneventful lives with same-sex parents. And millions of more children living with a gay parent.

It is fair to question whether the decisions of these parents is prudent. I don't agree with it, but sympathize with all families dealing with children having sexual identity issues. But for people to take this anecdotal incident to argue fatuously that gay parents are inherently wicked and same-sex couples are incapable of raising children is silly. It's a ludicrous attempt to justify their prejudices and bigotry. If this is the best they got, they got nothing.

There's nothing prejudiced or bigoted about the fact that a men and women each have something unique to offer, as a father and mother, and that it can't be given by two men or two women. The ideal situation for all children is to be raised by a mother and father. No amount of bogus laws will make a homosexual parental household the same or equal in the respect. And anyone who argues otherwise is essentially arguing that the sexes are interchangeable and there's no important or fundamental difference.

Mods should mind their own business and leave poster's profile signatures alone.