Hold on SC, I attacked no one till I responded to these two posts on page 15:

First post:

"Please don't make stuff up. He is only deferring his puberty till 14-15 so he can make a decision then."

Followed by:

"You are saying an 8 year old is changing his sex. Didn't you? Well he isn't. He is only deferring puberty till 15. Please don't act innocent while lying in the broad daylight."

That is when this turned into argument.
Afsaneh said I make things up, then in next post of hers said I was liar. Yet I am getting a warning for replying?

If someone says I am making stuff up, which I was not, then follows it with by saying I'm a liar, I can't respond? SC, look at page 15 and see where this turned from a discussion to a [personal argument.

Last edited by jace; 07/01/13 02:03 PM.