Originally Posted By: jace
he is changing his sex, or having it changed for him. "Deferring Puberty??"
What kind of new politically correct crap term can they come up with next? Deferring puberty!

Politically correct? lol Goodness. It's a medical term. I don't know how I could not sound patronizing when you refuse to read the yellow magazine's article you posted yourself and comprehend it before jumping here with false claims. I quote this here again, hoping this time you actually read it.


Tammy Lobel's hormones are being blocked by an implant on the inside of the 11-year-old's upper left arm, which must be replaced once a year.

Ms Moreno explained: 'In other words, she will stay as a pre-pubescent boy until she decides and we feel that she can make this decision about surgery.'

His parents say the hormone treatment will give him time to figure out if he wants to fully transition to being female or go through puberty as a boy.

By age 14 or 15 the device will need to be removed so that Tammy can go through puberty, Ms Moreno said.

If he chooses to stop taking the drugs, he will undergo natural male puberty at a later stage and his future fertility would not be impacted.

Should their son decide to transition to an adult female, he can take female hormones as well, which would raise his voice, allow him to grow breasts and develop other feminine physical characteristics.

"Fire cannot kill a dragon." -Daenerys Targaryen, Game of Thrones