Originally Posted By: IvyLeague
Understanding is one thing. Acceptance, in the form of playing along with the charade and acting like there's nothing wrong, is something else. As has been pointed out before, no amount of surgery, hormones, a new wardrobe, or new laws, can change DNA. It's funny how libs constantly tout "science" but then suddenly ignore it in a case like this.

Yes, no amount of surgery makes them feel accepted or complete. It doesn't mean we have to stop making them as comfortable as possible with their own body.

Obviously there is something wrong. Those who take action to rectify the issue are those who don't ignore that there is something wrong. It's a psychological issue that one feels alien toward their own body. DNA is one thing, but what are you to do when your mind tells you something else? Plus I'm not convinced that their brain might not have the DNA of the opposite gender. There has been cases of male DNA in female brains.

"Fire cannot kill a dragon." -Daenerys Targaryen, Game of Thrones