Alright let me clear this up.

@fathersson- no I don't think everyone who doesn't agree with me on this issue is prejudiced. That being said, to refer to then as sub human or sick or disgusting is. You can disagree with their lifestyle or on the subject of them getting married. Not everyone will be comfortable with it I know that. And secondly I do apologize to jace and the board for my comments. They weren't necessary.

@jace- my apologies for my statement. I also thought about it more myself and I do not agree a child as young as 8 should be allowed to under go a sex change. No one that age is old enough to realize the consequences of something like that. That being said I don't think it's due to this couple, I think they are simply trying to be good parents by supporting their kid just like anyone would. I also believe when someone is of age and has thought about it long and hard about their gender identity and decides they are in the wrong body it's perfectly fine. Nothing wrong or perverse about it.

"Don't ever go against the family again. Ever"- Michael Corleone