Originally Posted By: jace
Originally Posted By: 123JoeSchmo
Originally Posted By: jace
Here is why they should not be allowed to marry or adopt. This is a very sick story.


Yeah so? The kid wants to be a girl. Notice they have a other kid who's fine being a guy. I got friends who were raised by gay couples and are straight as an arrow. Were you seriously trying to make a point with this?

Very seriously making a point, and you have got to be kidding!! How damn liberal are you trying to show yourself to be? Are you sick? Two women lesbians had a child they adopted start a sex change operation at age 8, how much more disgusting do things have to get in this world before people like you admit there is a problem? Do you think that acting nonchalant to anything homosexuals do is a way of showing how cool you are? Its not. No one in right mind can defend this. It's child abuse, OF WORSE KIND. Worse maybe than pedophilia. This is outrageous. Taking a boy and turning him into a woman through surgery while he is a minor----If this does not wake people up, nothing will.

How sick and prejudiced are you to even think this is child abuse? It's because you're fucking ignorant. I can't tell you how many kids I know that are straight that were raised by gay couples. So before you run your mouth think carefully as to who you call sick and disgusting and what you call child abuse. If this kid wanted a sex change with straight parents would you care?

I don't agree with a lot of what ivy says, however he acknowledges gays are human and even he wishes the best for his gay brothers. You act as if gays are sub human. Well here's a newsflash for you: if you ever bothered to get to know a gay person or couple you might reconsider what you're saying. This case is a random coincidence, not the norm and certainly not abuse

"Don't ever go against the family again. Ever"- Michael Corleone