This is a Philly post. I have been doing research on the philly mob 90's to present (online, i know im not a street guy like some of you) and there are some things that just dont make sense to me.
1: Stanfa was this supposedly old school Sicilian who believed he the old ways. If that was the case, how come he made guys like Veasey (polish half italian), a guy named Martinez and a cop named Previte. If this guy was so old school how come he surrounded himself with suspect people.
2: John Veasey. This is the thing that really doesn't make sense to me, and mabye its cuz Veasey is full of shit. According to different articles and videos, this guy came out of the Joint without any Mob connection; he wasnt an associate of any kind. Then, within a period of 1 year, he wacked out two guys for Stanfa, he gets Made in a ceremony, and he becomes a rat. Is it really possible they made this guy within a period of six months? Is he just full of it?
3: Then there is the Previte thing. Previte was a cop who claims he got made, however, he also admits he didnt get a ceremony.
Alot of inconsistencies here,
Any thoughts?
What was Stanfa's deal?

Frank Costello: Fucking rats. It's wearing me thin. Mr. French: Francis, it's a nation of fucking rats.