@IvyLeague - Klydon's not spouting legal mumbo jumbo on polygamy, he's expanding on exactly what I said in post #722805--it's not possible to share marital rights and responsibilities equally between more than 2 people. No amount of covering your ears and burying your head in the sand changes this. The only ones arguing the polygamy point are people from Utah or those searching for a diversion via a straw man argument.

We can't and won't base our laws on what "God" supposedly said, that's insane. God has said, or has been interpretated to have said, a lot of things which simply don't hold up in the modern world. Being a creationist and a follower of institutionalized religion are NOT dependant concepts. I'm a creationist because my natural intuition and study of science leads me to it. No religion has the institutional right to tell anyone they've actually spoken to and speak for this creator, though. Atleast not in this country they don't.

@ jace - I actually agree on your 'them forcing way into boyscouts' statement to an extent. You wouldn't let a woman take a group of boys into the woods for several days just as a man shouldn't take a group of girls, it's a conflict of interest. Maybe if we as a society can get over the taboo of this issue we can actually have a meaningful discussion on these type things. However, none of that implies that Gays can't be join or be apart of the group.

My point about utilizing one's time is that opposing this issue is entirely futile, with no instrinsic or utilitarian value gained by it whatsoever. There's no discernable evidence that same sex marraige diminishes a supposedly stable definition of nuclear family or society in general, and is an entirely abstract, equivocale argument--it can't be proven scientifically or even syllogistically. And even if a connection could be established, again, what of it? They're not hurting anyone or effecting anything any other couple or person does, it's not going to have one iota of affect on how well other people raise their own kids or live their lives. Your personal values don't trump those of society as a whole.

@pizzaboy - I actually consider myself one of IvyLeague's friends, too. lol I just think he's gone waaay overboard lately with the proselytizing. This issue hits home for him which surprises me he's not more tolerant of it. I have too many wonderful friends who are in same sex relationships and I just refuse to deny them or anyone else their civil rights. Are there some hitches in this thing? Absolutely. But that doesn't mean it's worth discriminating for the sake of personal preference alone.