
You made the post below in the Anthony Weiner thread, but I figured this was a more appropriate place to respond smile.

Originally Posted By: IvyLeague
Oh, and refresh my memory, how does a believing Catholic support gay marriage again? uhwhat Is that stance from the Joe Biden wing of the church?

Easy, buddy. I'm one of the only friends you've got here lol.

But all kidding aside, I've explained myself to you earlier on this matter, on the board an in pms as well. I don't "support" it as much as I just don't give a shit, and here's why (again):

If you go by the letter of the law of the Catholic Church (of which I'm a member), City Hall "marriages" aren't real marriages anyway. Now if my neighbor Joe married his wife Nancy at City Hall twenty years ago, and we've been friends for the last ten, and their "marriage" (or lack thereof) doesn't offend me, then why should a City sponsored marriage between a gay couple bother me? Neither is recongnized by the Church, so it's no skin off my apple. I'm just trying to be consistent.

And if they're entitiled to Government benefits, then they should get them. You're still a pretty young guy and I hope you've enjoyed good health. But you have no idea what a simple battle with a more than serious disease can do to a bank account. If a gay couple being married makes one of them eligible for the other's health insurance, that ain't a bad thing in my opinion.

As far as the morality of it all: I'm not going to preach eternal damnation on a message board any more than I'm going to get in my car, drive to the South Bronx, and preach peace and love to teenaged gangbangers. In short, it ain't none of my fucking business. It's between them and God. And I've used this one before but I'll use it again anyway: To paraphrase David Puddy, "They're the ones going to hell, not me."

"I got news for you. If it wasn't for the toilet, there would be no books." --- George Costanza.