Originally Posted By: Frank_Nitti
Uhh, most people do regard Mormonism as a cult founded by a complete and utter heretic fraud. You can argue it's not until whenever, but those guys are on about the same level as the Branch Davidians. Like when the BYU basketball player was suspended for having sex--with his FIANCEE--safe to say that doesn't fall into mainstream America or virtually anywhere else.

This may come as a shock to you but you posting a few internet links doesn't equate to most people. Are you even familiar with the definition of a cult? It doesn't apply to the LDS Church, regardless of whatever your personal opinion is.

I'd also like to point out that the three links you posted above, two of which I am familiar with, are run by either Evangelical Christians (the type who have nothing good to say about anyone) or ex-Mormons. At any other time, these people would have no credibility in your eyes. But since they're slamming the LDS Church, you have no problem referring to them here.

We already had a war with the Mormons, and there would have been more had they not acquiescenced to the demands of the US government. Now you're just arguing dishonestly and denying basic historical facts and syllogism, but I'll continue to play along.

Much like your lack of understanding of the word "cult," you apparently don't understand the meaning of the word "war" either. While I'm very familiar with the historical context that brought about the manifesto and the LDS Church abandoning polygamy (though it certainly wasn't directly because of the U.S. government's threats) you're trying to paint of picture of history that isn't correct or justifiable but simply a lame attempt to smear the LDS church, both past and present. This is what many gay marriage supporters like you do. You're really ones who are fueled by bigotry and full of vitriol. Your posts have been a perfect example of that.

You think I'm a liberal? Wow, maybe to a Nazi or some small town, narrow minded ignorant ass but not in general. And again, when there's a popular outcry for polygamy like there has been for same sex marriage it'll be addressed. But I wouldn't hold my breath. Spoiler alert: It's not even on the radar.

You keep dodging the point because you know you can't get around it. One can't argue for gay marriage, while arguing against polygamy, and be intellectually honest and consistent at the same time.

You can't cite one mainstream media poll where the opposition is higher, because Fox News has it even. And those states are falling one by one, otherwise we wouldn't be having this discussion, with you and others dragging your feet every step of the way.

You may have missed the part where I said I couldn't care less about what the polls say, either one way or the other. They're just numbers up in the air until the people in each state actually make their voices heard on the issue. And, so far, a lot more states have banned gay marriage. And I don't expect that to change for most of them any time soon.

Well I'm NOT living on planet Kolob with you and your cronies, but I'll tell you now that none of those social conditions you mentioned will be mitigated by the disallowal of same sex marriage (cetainly not women in the military or whatever else you throw in there). People will still get married in traditional settings and have kids; some will be good parents, some not, but even that is highly subjective as to what constitutes good parenting. This all sounds like a cope-out to cover your own personal biases.

Allowing gay marriage only adds to the social decline.

Last edited by IvyLeague; 06/27/13 10:31 PM.

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