Originally Posted By: 123JoeSchmo
I'll answer this. Ivy I don't a shit what two consenting two adults do behind closed doors. That includes polygamy. Fuck it, I don't care. I can't speak for all the other "libs" but I can speak for me. You know what's hypocrisy? You hardcore conservatives preaching for less government, yet you want to decide what Americans can and can't do in their bedrooms or in a marriage ceremony. That my friend is hypocrisy at its greatest. Nosing in on that is BS stacked a mile high. That includes the government intruding in on the Catholic Church. Leave it alone

In case you hadn't noticed, nobody was kicking down the doors of homosexuals and saying what they could or couldn't do. The problem was created when they started trying to redefine marriage. Also, don't necessarily lump me in with all the "less government" conservatives. Government has it's place. But not in recognizing or giving sanction to gay marriages.

Originally Posted By: Frank_Nitti
@ IvyLeague, there is no significant support for polygamy in this nation or any other in the world outside of Africa and the Middle East, and thus that point of your argument is moot. Mostly because it's not possible to share marital rights and responsibilities equally between more than 2 people. Every first world nation on Earth says marriage is between TWO consenting adults. Period.

Wow. Talk about missing the point. So what if there is no significant support for polygamy? The whole argument of the gay marriage supporters is that they deserve the right to marry despite being a minority. That their right is based on the Constitution and not on public opinion. Of course, neither is correct. But in the case of polygamy, while there isn't widespread support, there is constitutional grounds when it comes to freedom of religion. By the way, Mr. Revisionist History, virtually every nation on earth, for millenia, has considered marriage to be between one man and one woman. Seriously, if you're going to enter this conversation, at least make a half-decent comment. Sheesh.

Originally Posted By: Frank_Nitti
The great emancipator Abraham Lincoln almost sent the country to war with Mormons over that very issue, and if not for the war against the Confederacy indeed he would have. But let's not pretend states such as Utah, Arizona and others in fact don't "turn a blind eye" to FLDS polygamy where children (girls as young as 12) are married off against their will to much older men.

You're going by pure assumption that he would have sent the country "to war with the Mormons" if not for the Confederacy. Furthermore, officials in Utah and Arizona have hardly "turned a blind eye" to polygamists, especially those (like Warren Jeffs and his followers) who have married underage girls. I could give you several examples.

Once again, if you're going to get into this, know what you're talking about. Don't come here talking out of your ass. And don't try to make up some ridiculous, lying argument for gay marriage while, at the same time, trying to argue polygamy should still be outlawed.

Mods should mind their own business and leave poster's profile signatures alone.