Originally Posted By: IvyLeague
Originally Posted By: 123JoeSchmo
Maybe in California's case, but isn't it the job of the Supreme Court to interpret the law as they see fit? You're just unhappy because you think marriage is supposed to be between one and man and one woman.

Of course I think marriage should be between a man and a woman. But that doesn't change the fact that the people in each state should be able to make their own laws and not have them changed or overruled by one judge. Especially a gay judge in a gay marriage case.

But if a gay couple is legally married by law, should they not receive the same benefits and protection heterosexual couples do? That's what this allowed and it struck down an egregious law.

It's well known that civil unions can provide all the same benefits and protection for gay couples that heterosexual couples have. But that's not really what this is all about. It's about a shrill part of the gay community, and their liberal supporters, shoving their lifestyle down everyone's throat and forcing everyone to consider their relationships the same and equal.

Imperialist judges overstepping their bounds? Give me a break. That's what every hardcore righty is saying. It's utter nonsense

We have judge (with an obvious conflict of interest) in California overruling the will of the citizens of that state. We also have 5 judges on the Supreme Court completely twisting and stretching the Constitution, making up law out of thin air, in order to justify themselves....once again, just how abortion was legalized in the past. They overstepped their bounds. Both issues should have been left up to the states. Your inability or refusal to look at this objectively is telling.

Not looking at it objectively? That's rich coming from you. Nowhere written in our constitution does it say marriage is between a man and a woman. I agree both issues should be left up to the states and it still is! It merely strikes down the law saying gays can't get benefits. That's all they want ivy, they aren't trampling on anything else. Their relationships are just as equal as straight ones. Love is not limited to straight people.

The judges aren't forcing gay marriage on the states. That part is still up to them. And don't think I'm wrong ivy in saying where you love you got nothing to worry about

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