Originally Posted By: carmela
Originally Posted By: Ted

I agree more or less with your first 2 paragraphs (don't really know about the finer details you talk about), but have to disagree with the 3rd. Cali clearly has a lot of power. To move up as quickly as he has at his age pretty much shows that. His Sicilian connectiosn are overrated since it's not like the FBI is going to allow any substantial business to happen internationally. However, he has many allies and a strong business sense. That's more than enough in the Mafia today.

Well that's one thing that is not overrated: his sicilian connections. Not to quote a cheesy quote, but "over there he is everything". He's connected and in contact with top top bosses in sicily. He's got a lot of legitimate contacts though, in the US that he can do business with. I don't know how else to put it. To me, the way I see him is a smart businessman, not a killer, but not incapable of killing either.
He's smart, he's quiet, he's patient.

With regard to the article: did it really say anything any of you didn't know? It didn't say he's boss. It says sources are saying his rise to boss is imminent. It says he's set to be the next boss. And? Haven't you all been saying that all along? Anyone of you could have put that in an article and sold it. Read it very closely, there's nothing in it you all didn't already know.

What I meant is he can't do a lot with those connections because LE wont allow it like what they did with Operation Old Bridge.

"I die outside; I die in jail. It don't matter to me," -John Franzese