It only took the U.S. president and the Governor of California refusing to do their duty to represent their jurisdictions, and 5 corrupt Supreme Court justices, to change the definition of marriage; despite this being decided long ago in relation to polygamy.

Obama's comments particularly made me sick. Funny how he has such of change of heart after he's safely in his second term. And it's funny how not one of the liberal hacks on this board have said one word about it. Or about Clinton's flip flop, for that matter.

That said, I can live with the DOMA decision because it should be left up to the states. Therein, however, the Supreme Court is again being hypocritical. They strike down DOMA because New York state law needed to be respected in the plaintiff's case. And yet they turn right around and snub the will of the people in California with their Prop 8 non-decision. Which, in turn, was originally snubbed by a gay judge. Conflict of interest, anyone?

Hide and watch. Now the judiciary will attempt to overrule each state's right to ban gay marriage. And they'll start by trying to force those states to recognize gay marriages that have taken place in other states. This is how our Constitution will come to "hang by a thread" - through corrupt lawyers and judges. For now, I'm grateful to live in a state like Utah where degeneracy isn't enshrined and wickedness celebrated.

"Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!" - Isaiah 5:20

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