Originally Posted By: Skinny
This is basically the reason i take such long ass breaks from coming here. I got Tommy here who thinks im full of shit. How would i know? Doesnt matter. I say he isnt a tough guy. You call bullshit. Fine. You ask how i knnow x, y, and z. fine, but how the fuck would you know? Your in fucking england. You got no right to be calling bullshit on something you cant find on the internet my man. If you think im a liar fine, but neither of us can site any proof so arguing is pointless. Then i got this dumb ass Ovation, who thinks if he puts nyc into his location that ppl think hes a local guy and his word counts. How many fuckin pms have you sent me asking about ppl saying "please, please, Pleeaaaaaaasssseee!" No shame in asking questions, i do that myself. but First you tell everyone despite what skinny says, Tough Tony is poor as shit, not a heavy guy at all. Bullshit. Now Jojo corozzo is a joke according to you. What heavy gangster are you to call him a joke? Are you carlo gambino's ghost come to haunt us on gangsterbb??? Your a fucking joke. You cant guarentee shit. Just saying Take this to the bank doesnt make it fact.

To tommy and ovation and whoever else. This is a forum. If you dont know me personally how will u know what im saying is real or not? What else do you have to go on? Most this shit cant even be found on the internet. If dont believe me, trust me thats fine. I dont give a fuck. You wanna take ovations word over mine feel free. You dont believe federici or corozzos are heavys or think my posts about the power shifts of the gambinos is all shit, fine.

Truth is i don know mmuch about that whole crew. I hear general things like this. Sorry giancarlo if i knew id tell you bro. Theres few crews i could name the guys off my head but BK crews are not one of them. I think Mannino has Gambinos crew but i couldnt say for sure. Cali has a lot of respect yea, but as boss his decisions will be second guessed by some guys who have seniority or have notches on their stick. Its only natural, all in all tho, he will probly make a good boss. Hes well liked and while he has Gambino and Cefalus support he will be respected on the street. I hear shit, i pass it on. Carmela knows these guys personally and doesnt talk about them much. I get that bc i do the same shit for a few ppl in my neck of the woods. Your more likely to get a answer out of me about brooklyn or queens than you would about jersey. But again, its a forum, its all about (hopefully polite) conversation.

I'm not claiming to know any of the inside details about Cali or any of the Gambinos for that matter, as you say I'm from England.

You talk about your opinions as fact just because you heard it from someone, that does not make it a fact. I'd imagine the only people who know what Cali is really like is anyone associated with the family and the Feds.

If the second biggest crime family accepts him as there number 2 I doubt he's going to be half a gangster, I doubt the guys over in Italy would either.

You said in a previous post in this thread that guys like him don't make good bosses, now your claiming he will probably be a good one?