Originally posted by SC:
We were using mostly real names for those present...
Except for me... You guys were still calling me Douchebag.

Well, let's keep this love train going...

It was GREAT seeing everyone. Friday night, I arrived late for dinner due to traffic and when I finally arrived, I immediately recognized everyone who posted pictures. I sat next to our esteemed Don and across from TIS. It was wonderful talking with everyone. I even got to speak to Plaw on the phone to thank him for the champagne that he sent over. It was very much appreciated.

BD - you're wrong, Plaw doesn't sound like grumpy old windbag... :p

Pork, DC and Mikey Montana were a hoot at dinner with their Scarface impressions. The rest of us spent the entire time trying to down the huge steaks that we ordered.

The next day, I went back to the podunk suburb of Itasca - had breakfast with everyone and then we were off to the Cubs game. On the way to Wrigley, I was treated to the sound stylings of SC, Pork and La Dolce Vita. One word for Pork: HUM! :p Just kidding.

The game was a blast - save the emergency call from Lori saying that SC got maimed by a foul ball. I'm glad you're OK, SC. When Pork got the call, after asking the customary "Is he OK?" question - we asked Pork the natural next question - "Did he at least end up with the ball?" SC??

Oh yea... I paid of all bets the next day, BDD.

Afterwards, we went to a local pizzeria and just chilled there until their cab came.

Thanks for coming guys. Next time you're in Chicago, just give me a call.