Originally Posted By: Dapper_Don
Admittedly, the Founding Fathers did not advocate same-sex marriage-it wasn't an issue in 1776. Being a product of their times, when they wrote "All men are created equal," they meant all land-owning white males. But the Founding Fathers did believe in the equality of all citizens. Alexander Hamilton wrote that “I desire above all things to see the equality of political rights exclusive of all hereditary distinction firmly established by a practical demonstration of its being consistent with the order and happiness of society.” Now that being a land-owning white male isn't necessary in order to enjoy all of the rights enshrined in the Constitution, the Founding Fathers' precepts apply to LGBT citizens as well.

Why is it people can't bring up The Founding Fathers without mentioning slavery? If they had not owned slaves, would that then make gay rights unconstitutional? There is no tie in.