Originally Posted By: Camarel
However i don't agree with the way you talk to the Americans on this site, who disagree with you. By making out as if their intolerant because they have different views on gun control and gay rights, the majority of this site disagrees with them, but you're the only one imo that makes out as if their almost immoral for having these views. If i've misinterpreted your prior comments then i apologize, if not the last sentence of my last comment still stands.

Just where in the Gun debate did I mention that anyone with different opinion than mine is intolerant? Do you even know what my opinion on that issue is? And what else would you call the behavior of someone who cannot make peace with gay marriage except intolerant? I don't get to call an intolerance as such, since they are Americans and I'm not? What sort of logic is that?

You know, you act the way you see fit, and I do the same. Anybody who doesn't like reading my opinion, as always can ignore my posts. After all, you are not the moderator of this board, just as your cheerleader isn't, but always has to comment on all my behaviors here, while he says he doesn't care. wink

"Fire cannot kill a dragon." -Daenerys Targaryen, Game of Thrones