Original geschrieben von: fathersson
ALL the countries above America have 100% gun bans.

That's simply not true.

Interesting once more, why you compare the US with those countries, most of which are developing countries, countries which had or have civil wars, poor countries, etc. The only European countries in that list are Estonia, Ukraine, Lithuania and Belarus.

Anyway, it's true that gun availability is not the only factor that contributes to murder rates. As you wrote yesterday in the Iran thread, culture and history can be a factor.

Switzerland (as almost always) is a special case. They hardly had any wars or armed conflicts. It's true, they have perhaps the most liberal gun law (oops, "liberal" in its original meaning). However, guns are hardly ever used as means of self defense. After having served in the army you can simply take your gun home, (but not the ammo).
I don't know why, but when it comes to Hitler or Nazi-Germany, the facts are frequently distorted on this board. Hitler didn't attack Switzerland not because of gun ownership, but simply because it was strategically not worth it. The Nazis even faked the preparation of an invasion. Instead, they attacked France via Belgium. Switzerland was ready to cooperate with Germany economically, which was all Germany needed for its armament.

Oh and for historical research, there are more serious sources on the internet than youtube.