Again great info Chicago and great points on the legal loan centers which I hope some of these guys got in on as they basically invented the service . As you correctly pointed out rates are lower but high enough to make alot of $ and not too mention the lender might be get some collateral .

Makes alot of sense , as the members become more legit there is no reason to have a formal structure or organization

It just seems like the Outfit has died a slow death in terms of illegal income and violence . Now that's not saying some of these guys don't make alot of $ as you have pointed out but rather the illegal and violence aspects of the outfit is almost gone . I'm not sure why I never put all this together ( I suppose I just thought the outfit would always be powerful ) but your info jives with available public information . It's just shocking to me how quickly this happened. The Feds have definately taking away alot of the mob $ makers in NJ but their bread and butter still goes on every day ( just on a smaller scale ) . Book making , sharking , garbage , construction , union still has activity , it's just quieter . Shoot my neighbor is a bartender at AJs which is a go go in JC and Papa Smurf was there almost every day, I saw him many times and he just got busted as a multi million garbage racketeer , you would never know , just your avg old italian man that liked his young Spanish girls, lol .

Who knows maybe what happened in Chi will happen in NJ soon, I would just be shocked like I am about the Outfit today.