Originally Posted By: Chicago
DB, I don't mean to seem too pessimistic, but I do not see a bright future for the Oufit. The one guy who could have rallied the troops, made more men and helped the Outfit was Jimmy Marcello. He lost several million. But with him in jail, Sarno gone, the retreatment of Elmwood Park and Grand Ave., I don't see a bright future. Plus that, it seems like the Feds know everything they do.
Yes, back in the old days, The Outfit had 3 times the manpower and they all marched to the tune of the same drummer. Sure, it could be argued that the Oufit was pretty much on an equal par years ago with at least 3 of the New York Families. No question. They practically owned the City of Chicago. Legitimate business seems the only survival along with Union activity. I don't see any future with Poker Machines, Traditional Bookmaking or traditional Loan Sharking.
However, Loan Sharking can be done legitimately through loan Centers. The interest Rates are much lower, but you can make money in it. You can also make a lot of money in Construction and getting servicing Contracts from the City and the suburbs. But that is basically all legit with some White Collar Crime attached to it. At that point, then you are really not a Mafioso anymore but instead a good cunning business man. That's really where the future lies. You know what I mean?
you're ABSOLUTELY right about some asskissing that goes on toward DiFronzo. The North Side guys kiss his ass and the South Side guys resent him and and PRIVATLEY question the dry beefing that might be going on.

I stay in the south suburbs....there's a future in poker machines

them mothafuckas are everywhere

why would northsiders kiss difronzo's ass if he won't let them eat?