Originally Posted By: Frank_Nitti
Thanks, maybe we start a "Dear Afy" thread, where users can submit questions to you about your country and your favorite television shows. tongue
(I swear, without you and TIS I don't think I'd know what's on the TV now-days!)

But yeah, that makes sense. I mostly asked because I've seen the idea floated around that the reason the US wants to get involved in Syria is that it'll pave the way to take over the Iranian oil fields.

lol Feel free to ask anything and I try to answer them to the best of my knowledge. smile

About that idea, I'm not sure how that would help the US to have control over Iranian oil fields. I mean, they were right beside those fields while they were in Iraq. We don't have any borders with Syria. Iraq stands between us. I heard Romney saying that Syria is Iran's way to open seas, but we've the whole Persian Gulf right down in the South, near the oil fields; we don't need Syria. In fact when I say Iran is organizing Hezbollah from Syria, I wouldn't think that with Syria out of the picture, anything changes much, since Hezbollah is in Lebanon and has a political stronghold in their parliament, so technically Iran doesn't need Syria to organize Hezbollah either. Keeping Syria in Assad's hands looks more like Islamic Republic trying to send a message that it's a major player in the Middle East. Downright shameful. All that said, I think I prefer Assad to what's inevitably coming next.

"Fire cannot kill a dragon." -Daenerys Targaryen, Game of Thrones