I took my grandkids to see it in 3D this afternoon. I am not an expert on special affects, or CGI but it obviously was loaded with them. Don't know the guy who played Superman but he was good in the role. Kevin Costner & Diane Lane were good as Clark's parents.

The 3D glasses were a plus (the grandkids loved them) but it seems parts of the film you really didn't need them.

On the minus side, for my taste anyway, I'd prefer more of a Metropolis type story than the storyline of the battle between Krypton and Superman, tho I must admit that I found Russell Crowe very good as Jorel (very reminiscent of Brando who played the same part in the first Superman).

AND what's up with Lois Lane knowing Clark is Superman even tho, I know the glasses tend to be the only disguise LOL) AND why is Clark getting a job at the Daily Planet AFTER he saves the world at the end of the movie? confused

By the end there was plenty of explosions, fights. Movie was a little too long.

The grandkids liked it but when I asked my grandson said he liked Iron Man 3 better (which he just saw with a friend). Then again, he didn't know that much about Superman. I gave the kids a crash course before we went in.


"Mankind must put an end to war before war puts an end to mankind. War will exist until that distant day when the conscientious objector enjoys the same reputation and prestige that the warrior does today." JFK

"War is over, if you want it" - John Lennon