Originally Posted By: Karl9905
Sounds like a history that even the people of that country hate.

Why can't the people get things changed there?
Why do people support this form of rule if things are so wrong?

and I guess the really big question is why do they hate others so much including America if their country has so many problems to work out. Are we just someone they can rally against to hide these problems?

Do they just keep leading the people along with lies?


SORRY your questions didn't make it pass the Iranian Censors.

Please resubmit in a more a$$ kissing way. lol

Even tho DT seemed to answer most of your questions I think you can understand the rest by the reaction you have gotten.

Many of the countries in that area of the world have had unrest for as long as you can look back in history.
It has become part of their culture some would say.

Change will never really take place in a timely maner as far as I can see. The more people from the outside get involed the more they are pulled down into the grief. My opinion of the mess is that it will some day come to a head and Isreal will bomb the place and all hell will start.

Mean while the people over there suffer, but what else is new? it seems to be hapening all over this world. Even here with so many people just getting by.

If you get a chance go back and read about how they hang gay people in the streets. They have no vote like we have going on here for an example.

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CAUTION: This Post has not been approved by Don Cardi.

You really don't expect people to believe your shit do you?

Read: "The Daily Apple"- Telling America and the Gangster BB like it really is!