Originally Posted By: Camarel
Originally Posted By: cookcounty
Originally Posted By: IvyLeague
Originally Posted By: Skinny
In 20 yrs you will find out who runs the westside, then 5 years later it will come out that it was someone else.... Opinions will turn into fact, and most will be drawn to the wrong conclusions. Even if i wanted to i doubt i could explain what im trying to say here. Everyone knows whos number one on the street but does he the point guard or the coach? Thats why i always say Danny Leo was A acting boss, not The Acting boss. You really think 30 captains are gonna go kiss the ring at raos every two weeks?

It seems to me that a ruling panel (which is essentially a group of acting bosses) has always been in place. And, at certain times, they will have one of them step up as the acting boss to run things day to day. But the ruling panel still has over all power. That appears to have been the case with Leo, who was on the ruling panel before he was identified as acting boss.

Originally Posted By: NickyEyes1
All the legit things restaurants, car dealerships, construction companies, food lines, and things like that. Then all the other money from illegitimate things. He's probably behind the top 3 NYC guys but other than that no. I find it hard to believe that there's tons of guys in NYC worth over 30 million dollars. And skinny please just fuck off.

All this may be true (though elmwoodpark is fantasizing about DiFronzo being immune from prosecution, etc.) but it's not reflective of his power as an LCN boss. The ultimate power a boss has is based on the strength of organization he's the boss of. And that's why DiFronzo, as rich as he may be personally, is going to be #6 at best. And that's assuming he's still the boss to begin with.

crime in Chicago is second to none in the united states

that really ain't a good comparison with the college football to pro football

Chicago is not ranked in the 25 most dangerous cities (Crime Rate) in the us - http://www.businessinsider.com/the-25-most-dangerous-cities-in-america-2012-10?op=1 A few other cities in Illinois are though. Or the 10 deadliest cities in the Us (Murder Rate). - http://www.policymic.com/articles/22686/america-s-10-deadliest-cities-2012

here's the city of Chicago's stats broken down more thoroughly

Chicago northside: 1.4 million people (36 murders)

Chicago westside: 476,000 people (156 murders) 32.8 murder rate

Chicago southside: 920,000 people (314 murders) 34.1 murder rate

if the south and west sides were their own cities they'd be 6th & 9th in murder rates

Last edited by cookcounty; 06/19/13 05:29 PM.