Stuff I'm Reading this Morning...

Preview of huge FED statements today. (BusinessInsider)

Vincent Reinhart: There's A Fundamental Flaw In The Message The Fed Is Trying To Send. (BusinessInsider)

Inflation at 53 year low, Bernanke has all kinds of time. (Bloomberg)

"What's your outlook on the markets and economy?" by Barry Ritholtz (TBP)

What's different about this era than prior ones is the makeup of the economy - knowledge over material. (FTAlphaville)

Ron Paul: Gold could go to infinity (CNBC)

There's more to the rally than just Fed interference. Earnings and jobs have grown quite a bit as well. (MoneyBeat)

Barclay CTA Index down 1.31 per cent in May (Hedgeweek)

Target-date funds are now a half a trillion dollar business says Brightscope. (Reuters)

Your last remaining edge on Wall Street. (MotleyFool)