I saw KISS on their 2000 Farewell tour... :rolleyes: (It's basically still going on. )

I also have seen a slew of bands who have stopped by the venues around here. I saw Ray Romano and Kevin James. I also saw Weezer one time with a friend.

Then, in 7th grade, I saw this Band called "Beatlemania". They are a professional Beatles cover group. I was flat out amazed. I had never seen people who looked like and acted like the Beatles so well.

I heard this summer,(Now in college) that a band called "1964:The Tribute" was going to be playing at a local venue. Remembering the 7th grade experience I picked up the phone and ordered tickets right then. I went and saw the number one Beatles Cover band In The World. These guys have been touring the world for over 20 years and have since perfected their appearences and voices and mannerisms of the original Beatles like a science. The guys joked on stage just like the Beatles and werw absolutely 100% pure Beatles. I, nor could my fellow Beatles expert friend, tell the difference in any noticeable way. Their voices and style of playing was 100% the same. I loved it, and would recomment it to any Beatles fan out there. Ringo came to watch them one time and said he's never seen anything like it. Go and check it out man. I was blown away. Being in the front row center also made it unbelieveable. I must have called right when they started advertising for seats.


And you liar, teller of tall tales: you trample all the Lord's commandments underfoot, you murder, steal, commit adultery, and afterward break into tears, beat your breast, take down your guitar and turn sin into a song. Shrewd devil, you know very well that God pardons singers no matter what they do, because he can simply die for a song.