Originally Posted By: The Italian Stallionette
I am not into any comic superheroes except Superman for some reason. confused

I watched Man of Steel yesterday with a friend of mine, after the first one hour I noticed my friend wiping his tears and I was like what's wrong? He didn't say anything during the movie, after the movie was done he told me the movie reminded him of his late father, his dad was a huge fan of the classic Superman films.
And another strange (well not that strange but uncommon during a comic superhero movie) when the end credits started rolling the people in the cinema started clapping for like 2-3 minutes, it felt so strange coz in the end its a comic superhero movie & Omanis aren't into comics, maybe some teenagers are and plus on that the last Superman movie "Superman Returns" was so horrible. lol
Superman truly is a worldwide phenomenon.

RIP Christopher Reeve.

Last edited by Don Zadjali; 06/16/13 05:21 PM.