Originally Posted By: LittleNicky
Are you seriously disputing the fact that the FBI and a number of high end federal prosecutors have a financial/political/media incentives to both inflate the power and influence of the mob? Nobody claimed as you said they left with nothing to do- but there is no doubt they get far better media time, federal government gigs and resume builders for locking up a dangerous Don Vito-like "mobster" (ie runs poker machines) than locking up a crip drug dealer or rapist in the projects.

If that was all they were interested in, why even in New York have the feds downgraded organized crime as a priority since 9/11, including downsizing and combining the squads that go after the 5 NY families? Why do they only recognize 10 remaining mob families, at most, when they could easily say there are more? Any those Crip drug-dealers and rapists get busted all the time. Too many people here just don't do their research.

Mods should mind their own business and leave poster's profile signatures alone.