Right I understand the mob still does business/exercise influence in Manhattan. I meant more like what pizzaboy was saying regarding Little Italy, East Harlem etc. There are no old social clubs/crews hanging out in Manhattan like there are in Staten Island/ Bensonhurst/ Bronx and to a lesser extent Long Island and Jersey. I would imagine most of the so called Genovese Manhattan crews live and work in the Bronx or Jersey. So when the FBI says 6 Manhattan crews I always interpret that as saying control over a local or guys who have committed labor fraud and so forth in Manhattan. Even the strips clubs in Manhattan are mostly corporate and extremely high end. Your hard pressed to find a sketchy neighborhood in Manhattan below 110th.

But of course this is all speculation. I could be wrong about old mob social clubs in Manhattan. I don't know East Harlem well, but certainly in what is left of Little Italy there are none.