The 2004 case involved at least seven counts of either murder or conspiracy to commit murder. You got the three Capos who Sonny Black's crew whacked,plus Tony Mirra,Caesar Bonventure,Sonny Black himself,and the Sciascia hit,which carried the death penalty due to a 1994 change in the Racketeering statutes.

I also think that releasing Massino this soon is a travesty,but remember,it's the Feds who are asking,and they could give a rat's behind about what's fair. They want to keep the door open for the next high ranking snitch,so Gravano and Massino's sweet deals can be used as an incentive.

The Fed's will do whatever it takes to keep the Congressional
Budget money ever flowing and ever increasing.They have no problem pissing away our taxes to keep psychopathic,multiple murderers alive in the Program after they've served a token sentence. As long as they can be perceived as "Breaking The Mob",they'll do anything.

Last edited by Lou_Para; 06/12/13 04:02 PM.