Could this be the beginning of the end for the Islamic Republic? If it ever does fall it could start a tumultuous time for Iran. The next government would not be likely to practice so much control over remote areas and on Iran's borders, where many of the nation's various minority groups reside and have already formed their own nations across the border. At least one or two of these groups (as far as I know) have been looking for the opportunity to separate.

The Islamic Republic is responsible for mismanagement and corruption in the country, but maintenance of security is not at all that bad.

After living under strict order of the Islamic Republic, many citizens are not accustomed to a more open society. On a larger scale, in the resulting power vacuum and possibly weak law enforcement, the case of the disintegration of Soviet Union could be repeated in Iran. As they are close to countries such as Afghanistan, drug trafficking could be the most common activity. Also rich and developing neighbors such as Khaliji Arab states and Turkey will encourage new fields of activity such as human trafficking.