Originally Posted By: IvyLeague
Originally Posted By: AllDay27
Let's not also forget that by the mid 80's Big Paul was likely the only guy in the family who wasn't involved or at least funding or overseeing associates who were involved in full scale drug wholesaling. So again in the Gotti takeover you gotta realize everyone knew Gotti's brother and top guy Ruggiero were dealing heroine hand over first with John's silent blessing/partnership so at the end of the day who really gave two shits that Big Paul was gone, they all stood to earn more a lot heavier with Gotti in place. But there's two sides to that coin as well, that's exactly the mentality they all had and as a result many died/went away over drugs and drugs ultimately led to much of the bad luck in the Gambino Family over the next 30 years as well

Another hypocrisy that Castellano (and other supposedly "Deal and Die" bosses) engaged in. One one hand, Castellano didn't want Gotti's crew dealing. On the other hand, he knowingly took drug money from guys like Patsy Conte and John Gambino.

I think Conte was out of drug business for long time by time he became involved with Castellano.