This was from a time magazine article. I included the link to it for you. His name was Aniello Dellacroce, which in Italian means "little lamb of the cross," and he took pleasure in killing people. "He likes to peer into a victim's face, like some kind of dark angel, at the moment of death," a federal agent once said of the Mafia chieftain.
Read more:,9171,960415,00.html#ixzz2VKj4Bqua.
Also ,if you go to Google Books and type in "World's Greatest True Crime" and go to the preview, you can scroll down to pages 24,25,and 26. It also includes some other pretty grim stuff.
As far as the Anastasia"hobby",I'm sorry I can't give you a specific source,it's something that I remember reading,possibly in a Capeci or Volkmann book. I am quite a voracious reader, especially on OC topics,and sometimes I'll remember something long after the book has left my hands.
I appreciate the reply, as I'm fairly new to these boards,and it's good to get in the habit of citing sources before posting.