I'm heading upstate on Friday (Finger Lakes region) for my fifth year college reunion. A bunch of my frat bros will also be there along with lots of other friends, so it will be just like old times. Besides the usual school sponsored events like wine tastings, tours, etc we will probably be getting a few kegs, have some nice ladies over, music (Manilow, Marley, Sinatra, Jay-Z, etc), beer pong, and do some grilling on the back porch of our red brick mansion which overlooks Seneca Lake. Also bringing up a box of Cohibas to share with the crew. Probably do some 3am skinny dipping with some ladies after coming back from the bars. I plan on "borrowing" a golf cart and having one of the current frat boys ferry our intoxicated butts around campus and downtown. We made arrangements for them to pick us up from the airport when we touch down. The local police turn a blind eye to most of the shenanigans during reunion weekend, plus it does help we are real good friends with the top fireman in the town and he will be partaking in these festivities as well.

Plan on bringing back some good wine for my parents from the area. I am getting hyped just writing this, I took a week off from the office so I will have enough recovery time before my return lol. Cant drink/party like I used to in college thats for sure.

Also plan on heading out to visit a buddy of mine in Weston, Connecticut for the weekend. Enjoy the pool, sauna, booze, cigars, grilling, and the local Connecticut cougars on the prowl for cubs.

I'm also looking into visiting Philly for a weekend to visit a buddy. I went last summer for the first time (I made a thread about my visit) and really enjoyed it.

Last edited by Dapper_Don; 06/04/13 09:39 PM.

Tommy Shots: They want me running the family, don't they know I have a young wife?
Sal Vitale: (laughs) Tommy, jump in, the water's fine.