Originally Posted By: 123JoeSchmo
Well economically you and I have never discussed our opinions. However you are socially on the right. Against abortion, gay marriage, and to go along with the fact you are very religious, those are all things associated with the far right. In my opinion what puts you on the extreme right is saying that all women should stay at home with the children, not serve in combat, only men should be breadwinners, in addition to associating our constitution and government under the complete influence of god. The last subject I still think is mainly opinion and open to debate and interpretation.

I think I'm certainly on the right, i.e. a conservative. I don't think I'm on the far right. I think the ideal situation is for wives/mothers to be home with their children, at least while they're growing up. I don't think any sane, honest person can argue with that. And I also don't think not believing women should be in combat is "far right." Believing they should be, or can be, is what's extreme. After all, there's a reason that, down through history, men have done the vast majority of the fighting in wars. And no amount of social re-engineering, where we pretend that men and women are the same, is going to change that. As for the Constitution being inspired by God, well, I don't know why that's so hard to believe. But I guess one would have to believe in God first.

My quarrel is not with your religion Ivy, and though I disagree with most of your beliefs that's not what truly bothers me. It's the way you go about, refusing to acknowledge even for one second you could be wrong. I admire the fact you stick to your guns, but sometimes in life you gotta give a little. Tow the line between standing up for what you believe in and arrogance.

As I've pointed out before, you seem to be coming from the position that, because you don't know, that must mean nobody does. And I'm not really talking about some of the more trivial stuff we discuss but in terms of the fundamentals, i.e. God, the purpose for this life, where we're all going, etc. Isn't that rather arrogant?

I admit I could be wrong about almost everything I believe to be true and right. Doesn't mean I won't stop believing in it, but I can admit when and if I'm wrong if the latter proves to be true. Can you? No one wants to hear "You'll see the light someday" or "this is it and nothing else". People on both sides of the political spectrum do it (especially liberals). But from the left and centrist point of view, people such as yourself are only trying to stir hatred and bring back a world that we left behind for a reason. Can you imagine being a woman or non-white person in the fifties or sixties? Think about that.

Stir hatred? I think you make a mistake in equating my beliefs to wanting to put blacks in the back of the bus, etc. But that's the skewed view liberals have of conservatives. That we're closet racists/misogynists who want to go back to some earlier time. I'm fine with living in the 21st century. But knowing what I do, I see certain things for what they really are and not the "progress" you and others believe them to be.

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