SC, Did you see what Skinny wrote earlier calling Chicago guys 'Cocksuckers'? Is that permissible on your Blogs? Are you not going to at least reprimand him? I never called anybody those kind of names and you reprimanded me and banned me for one week. I think this skinny guy is a little bit of an angry homophobic temper tantrum person who went nuts because I quoted an F.B.I. Book called Donnie Brasco just like a couple of these other posters quote Fed Reports. I didn't make up the whole Joe Pistone undercover thing. That's what really happened. I don't see why a guy named Skinny would get so bent out of shape over an F.B.I. Report he didn't like? Does the truth hurt that bad? Why would he take it so personally? I can't believe you didn't reprimand him. Even Ivy, who several people have argued with in the past, Including me, would never use such foul language. What is wrong with this guy named Skinny?

Last edited by elmwoodparker; 06/02/13 04:46 AM.